KS2 Choir
Welcome to Rivelin Primary school's choir
Our philosophy is that everyone can sing - you just need to find your voice! All we look for is a passion for singing and good team work!
Choir is open to Y3 - Y6 on a Tuesday after school
We have been enjoying learning a range of fun and exciting songs. Take a look at some photos below.
Here are some of the songs we have enjoyed singing this half term.
Wednesday 6th December
What an amazing time we had with our wonderful choir at Loxley Court Care Home. I was talking to Janet (the lovely manager) after our performance and she was telling me all about one of the residents who had come to see the children. This lady doesn't usually attend the coffee mornings as she has such a difficult and painful time with her mobility. However, our visit meant so much to her that she had woken up early and made an exceptional effort to come along. Janet was getting emotional telling me this story, it is wonderful to know that our lovely children have brought such joy to people who are having a tough time.
All the children behaved impeccably, the staff and residents of Loxley Court all commented on their manners and positive demeanour. Mrs Oates and I are so proud of every one of them. They have worked so hard practicing their songs, bringing fun and Christmas cheer to members of our local community.