Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SEND Coordinator: Mrs K Grayson
SEND Governor Jill Collins and Kamiran Hassari
Rivelin SEND Vision
'At Rivelin we value all Children equally whatever the difference in their abilities or behaviours and believe that children should be at the heart of everything. We aim to meet individual needs and provide opportunities for children to make good progress
Children should enjoy reaching their goals and have this achievement celebrated. As the children grow and develop they will become more independent, confident in their learning and ready for the next stage in their life.'
On this page we aim to provide as much information as we can regarding SEN and how we work within our School, however if you require any further information, please visit the Sheffield Directory by clicking here.
I have a question about Special Educational Needs
We aim to offer you as much information on this page as possible regarding SEN and what it means, as we understand sometimes it can be difficult to know when to seek help. Therefore below you will find answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding different types of Special Needs and what they mean for your child, along with useful documents on practical ways to help them at home.
We always encourage parents and carers to talk to the School if they have any questions or simply need some advice regarding their child, as we can then put strategies in place to help during time at School and home.
Does my child have a Special Educational Need or a Disability?
The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. A physical or mental impairment includes:
- Learning difficulties - including moderate to severe difficulties with areas of the curriculum.
- Medical conditions, including epilepsy, diabetes, more severe forms of asthma and eczema.
- Specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia
- Autism
- Speech, language and communication impairments
If the impairment has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities it may amount to a disability. A young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
(a) Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same
(b) Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a
kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school.
There are four categories of SEND. Your child's needs may fall into any one of the categories or they may have difficulties across a number of the categories.
The 4 Categories of SEND
Cognition & Learning Difficilties
ABC missing letter | At Home With Maths |
At Home With Spelling | Bond Maths Puzzles |
Build a Sentence | Colourful Semantics |
Common Exception Words | EHCP Home learning Opportunities Cognition and Learning |
Telling the Time | Maths Home Learning Weblinks |
English Home Learning Weblinks | General Home Learning Weblinks |
Communications and Interaction Needs
Different Ways of Following Directions | Mystery Picture Hunt |
Snowman Activity | Suggested Speech and Language Apps |
Unclear Speech | Useful Websites and Resources |
Home Learning Weblinks |
Sensory & Physical Needs
Age by Age Suggested Chores Around the Home | At Home with Handwriting |
At Home with Handwriting | Brush Teeth Visuals |
Colour Spaghetti | Core Home Strengthening |
Evening Routine Visuals | Fine Motor Activities for Home |
Frozen Playdough | Match the Characteristics |
Morning Routine Visuals | Fine Motor Skills Resources |
Sensory and Phsyical Parent Support | Sensory Circuits |
Suitable Chores | The Wiggle Jar |
Home Learning Weblinks |
Social, Emotional and Mental Needs
My I Can Journal | Pandemics and The Coronavirus |
School Closure Toolkit | Social, Emotional and Mental health Parent Ddvice and Resources |
Supporting Children with LD, ASD with COVID Isolation | Through My Window Art Therapy |
Visual Timetable | Home Learning Weblinks |