enquiries@rivelin.sheffield.sch.uk0114 234 1304

Home Learning

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Spelling Shed makes the acquisition of spelling and word knowledge fun and engaging for pupils. The scheme aligns with the English National Curriculum and is fully aligned with our Crystal Spelling Challenges!

Get practising at home with your EdShed log in. Please speak to the main office if you require your password.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards are presented every week during our Whole School Celebration Assembly to the class with the highest number of points!

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MathShed is a mathematics platform designed to significantly impact the enjoyment of mathematics while improving results. It is built with pupils and parents in mind and aims to make learning mathematics facts fun for children.

The game aspect of MathShed ensures children are engaged and eager to practise their key maths skills regularly. The low-stakes games, quizzes and reward systems ensure that children find learning maths fun. The games can be played in class or assigned for home learning, making them perfect for in-school learning and homework.

As well as times tables and number bonds, there are various other areas of maths to choose from, including Measurement, Shape and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages to Roman Numerals! The question sets cover the National Curriculum across the primary range, and there is a full set of Early Number Sense question sets to complement these.

Get practising at home with your EdShed log in. Please speak to the main office if you require your password.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards are presented every week during our Whole School Celebration Assembly to the class with the highest number of points!


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Times Tables Rock Stars is an award-winning maths learning platform that helps pupils practise and recall their times tables like a rock star, using paper worksheets, and playing online adaptive question-based games via the app and browser. At the moment just Y4 pupils have a login. Watch this space for more information about KS2 having access to this fantastic app!




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RivelinPrimary School

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RivelinPrimary school

Morley St, Sheffield S6 2PL

School Office0114 234 1304
