PunctualityAt Rivelin Primary School we want all our children to have the best start to their day, so they can engage in their learning and develop great behaviours for later life. Being punctual is one those behaviours that helps children develop good life skills. If a child is brought late to school this does mean they are missing vital learning time, feel embarressed coming into school late and developing independance when walking into school with friends The school gates open at 8.40am to allow children to enter the school grounds in good time for registration. Adult supervision is in place from 8.40am. Registration begins at 8.50am. Registration will close at 9.00am. All children arriving after 9.00am are considered late. Any arrivals after 9.30am will be marked as an unauthorised absence. You will be asked the reason for the late arrival. If your child is to be late, we ask that you bring them to the school office so that we know they are to be recorded on the register and for us to safely take them to their classroom. This is to ensure your child’s safeguarded. This is also to ensure that we have reliable records of the reasons for lateness to school. We do monitor punctuality at all times and contact parents and carers for their support where punctuality becomes a concern. |