To all the staff at Rivelin,
I just wanted to send an email to say how utterly wonderful this morning's celebration assembly was and to thank everyone for making us feel so welcome and for celebrating X's curiosity!
Chris and I were both blown away by the whole school's fantastic singing and the children's obvious excitement and enthusiasm for each other's achievements. It was a real pleasure to be there!
We are both so glad Theo attends Rivelin Primary!
Mrs Barden Y1 Parent 2025
Just to say thank you for joining us on Friday. Our Y4 children very much enjoyed the visit and it wouldn't be possible without help from our parents and carers. It is very much appreciated and we hope you will join us on another trip later in the year.
Mrs M to Parents/carers 2024
I would like to give a huge thank you the Mr Sykes for gritting the pavement this morning. He did such a great job in ensuring children and adults arrived at school safety. Thank you so very much.
Y3/Y5 Parent 2024
I was recently a parent volunteer on a year 3 school trip to Manor Lodge. I was so impressed with the children. They were able to articulate their ideas extremely well for their age saying, for example, "I agree with... because..." They had remembered what they had been learning in their history lessons and were able to explain their thoughts referring to their understanding of life in the stone age. I, and the staff at Manor Lodge, were also very impressed with their behaviour during the trip. We had a fantastic day, and the children are a real credit to the staff at Rivelin. The teachers and TAs had clearly developed strong relationships with the children and were able to successfully support them when any issues did arise.
My daughter loves school and is so happy at Rivelin. Her confidence has grown each and every year. At the end of the school day, she is always so enthusiastic to tell me everything she has learnt that day. I honestly couldn't be happier with the school, I am so glad we chose Rivelin!
Y3 Parent 2024
I have to say, my son hasthoroughly enjoyed himself in Rivelin. He would not have to move if only my work schedule was less unpredictable. He will miss his friends, lovely teachers and sports activities. Such a shame as he was chosen for the Sports lead just yesterday. =((.
Y5 Parent 2024
I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to your administration and all the school staff for the support and education provided to my child during her time at your school. She has learned a lot, spent wonderful times, and cherished beautiful memories at your school.
We hope that the school continues to achieve success and that you maintain the high standard of education you are known for.
Best regards,
Y1 Parent 2024
We just wanted to email to say a big thank you to the FS2 and wraparound teams for helping R to settle so quickly. We've been really blown away by how excited he is to come to school and the things he has learnt already - we had an impromptu performance of "choppidy chop", "a cup of tea" and "leaves are falling" this week. R would also like us to book him in for more after school clubs because "it was just so fun". We just wanted to let you know that we appreciate everything you do.
FS2 Parent (September 2024)
First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the dedicated teachers and staff members at Rivelin Primary School, especially Head Teacher Mrs. Wright.
I believe this is a well-deserved award.
I am proud to be a part of Rivelin Primary School and wish you continued success.
I also have another matter for which I would like to express my gratitude, albeit a bit belated.
As a parent of a Y4 student, I would like to sincerely thank you for the school trip organized last May.
My son felt wonderful upon his return from the trip.
I am aware of the great value such activities hold for the children and I am deeply grateful to everyone who contributed to it.
With the highest regards,
Y4 Parent (June 2024)
I just wanted to say a big thank you to Mrs M and Mrs Oates (and the other members of staff who went along last night). Heidi and Cian have both really enjoyed choir over the past 12 months or so and the opportunity to sing at the arena like they did last night was something that I think will stay with them. Great memories and we all appreciate the extra time outside of school that the teachers have given (especially at the start of half term!).
Mrs C Devlin
(February 2024)
Young voices was AMAZING!! They all did amazing to such a huge crowd. Kids are shattered. A massive THANK YOU to all the staff at Rivelin
Mrs A Ali
(February 2024) 

I just wanted to say such a huge thank you to your staff after our parents evening tonight. It is so clear to me that our boys are at the best possible place and they are so cared for and understood.
Our son is a gem, he truly is, but he's a sensitive boy and feels everything really deeply. I was so reassured that Mrs Kingston understands this and has really got to know him even in this short space of time (even if it feels more like 7 months not 7 weeks) and hes already comfortable enough with her to ask for help or chat to her about things outside school. I really believe that is down to the staff you have and the effort you all make everyday to make the kids feel safe.
And then my appreciation to your reception staff! My son is so happy and settled in school already, he's being encouraged to challenge himself and said tonight when I was tucking him in that he loved school and had had a great day! What more could a mum want?! He was so happy at his nursery, he had loads of friends and adored his nursery teacher but he seems to have got this whole new level of confidence now and hasnt once said he wishes he could go back!
So just a huge thank you to you and all your wonderful staff.
(October 2023)
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for inviting us to the poetry recital this afternoon. My husband and I absolutely loved it! We were so incredibly proud of our son and all of his classmates - they did so well! Thank you also for the delicious tea and cakes - you are not only talented teachers but talented bakers too!
Many, many thanks and we’re looking forward to the rest of this year’s exciting events. Mrs E Barden x(October 2023)
Just to say the violin teacher was fantastic!! Absolute credit to the school!
L Stonehall
(Ocotber 2023)
I wish we could have a celebration assembly for you and your staff, I would be there to applaud you all.
Having been lucky enough to be at this mornings assembly I just love how the staff, kids , school is so full of smiles, warmth and genuine care for one another. It honestly fills me up to see.
I love the good humoured approach to the assembly and even when there are little technical issues I love that it's just brushed over with a smile and got on with.
Having been lucky enough to spend a little more time in the school than most parents I witness this warmth and humour everytime I am in school and really appreciate how welcoming everyone is. I also see very clearly the dedication that the teaching staff give to all the children and the respect they show each other. It's very reassuring and lovely to see as a parent of a child at Rivelin.
So a big thank you to you and each and everyone of the lovely team you have at Rivelin
I'd also like to mention the lovely team you have in the school office. Always so busy but always so welcoming, efficient and just lovely. They always make me feel so welcome whenever I go into the office. Much appreciated.
I would also like to say a big Thank you to Miss Hague. She is a breath of fresh air with her enthusiasm and upbeat attitude towards her teaching. I have witnessed on school trips her genuine care and dedication to each and every child. Her sense of fun is infectious and it's clear the children adore her.
She has really took the time to understand and get to know my son and I believe with her support my son has really grown in confidence and will continue to do so. I'm very grateful to her for realizing he never wants to be the centre of attention but that he enjoys helping others and in his quiet way will happily help anyone.
So again thank you for making Rivelin a warm, happy and safe place for each and every child to shine in their own wonderful way !
I hope everyone has a wonderful well deserved holiday ready for a fabulous new term.
Mrs E Lindop
(October 2023)